Sunday, May 24, 2020

Punctuation Marks Part 1

The German word for dot, point or period,  der Punkt, and the English word  punctuation  both have the same Latin source:  punctum  (point). Among many other things that German and English have in common are the punctuation marks they use. And the reason most punctuation marks look and sound the same is that many of the signs and some of the terms, such as  der Apostroph,  das Kommaand  das Kolon  (and English  period, hyphen), are of common Greek origin. The period or full stop (der Punkt) dates back to antiquity. It was used in Roman inscriptions to separate words or phrases. The term question mark (das Fragezeichen) is only about 150 years old, but the ? symbol is much older and was earlier known as the mark of interrogation. The question mark is a descendant of the  punctus interrogativus  used in 10th-century religious manuscripts. It was originally used to indicate voice inflection. (Greek used and still uses a colon/semicolon to indicate a question.) The Greek terms  kà ³mma  and  kà ³lon  originally referred to parts of lines of verse (Greek  strophe, German  die Strophe) and only later came to mean the punctuation marks that demarcated such segments in prose. The most recent punctuation marks to appear were quotation marks (Anfà ¼hrungszeichen)—in the eighteenth century. Fortunately for English-speakers, German generally uses the same punctuation marks in the same way that English does. However, there are some minor and a few major differences in the way the two languages use common punctuation marks. „ Der Bandwurmsatz ist die Nationalkrankheitunseres Prosastils.†Ã‚  - Ludwig Reiners Before we look at the details of punctuation in German, let’s define some our terms. Here are some of the more common punctuation marks in German and English. Since America and Britain are â€Å"two countries separated by a common language† (G.B. Shaw), I have indicated the American (AE) and British (BE) terms for items that differ. SatzzeichenGerman Punctuation Marks Deutsch English Zeichen die Anfà ¼hrungszeichen 1„Gà ¤nsefà ¼ÃƒÅ¸chen† (â€Å"geese feet†) quotation marks 1speech marks (BE) „ â€Å" die Anfà ¼hrungszeichen 2â€Å"chevron,† „franzà ¶sischeâ€Å" (French) quotation marks 2French â€Å"guillemets†  «  » die Auslassungspunkte ellipses dots​​, ommission marks ... das Ausrufezeichen exclamation mark ! der Apostroph apostrophe ’ der Bindestrich hyphen - der Doppelpunktdas Kolon colon : der Ergà ¤nzungsstrich dash - das Fragezeichen question mark ? der Gedankenstrich long dash — runde Klammern parentheses (AE)round brackets (BE) ( ) eckige Klammern brackets [ ] das Komma comma , der Punkt period (AE)full stop (BE) . das Semikolon semicolon ; Note:  In German books, periodicals, and other printed materials you will see both kinds of quotation marks (type 1 or 2). While newspapers generally use type 1, many modern books use type 2 (French) marks.    Part 2: Differences German versus English Punctuation In most cases, German and English punctuation are similar or identical. But here are a few key differences: 1. Anfà ¼hrungszeichen  (Quotation Marks) A. German uses two types of quotation marks in printing. â€Å"Chevron† style marks (French â€Å"guillemets†) are often used in modern books: Er sagte:  «Wir gehen am Dienstag. »orEr sagte:  »Wir gehen am Dienstag. « In writing, in newspapers, and in many printed documents German also uses quotation marks that are similar to English except that the opening quotation mark is below rather than above: Er sagte: „Wir gehen am Dienstag.† (Note that unlike English, German introduces a direct quotation with a colon rather than a comma.) In email, on the Web, and in hand-written correspondence, German-speakers today often use normal international quotation marks (â€Å" †) or even single quote marks (‘ ’). B. When ending a quotation with â€Å"he said† or â€Å"she asked,† German follows British-English style punctuation, placing the comma outside of the quotation mark rather than inside, as in American English: „Das war damals in Berlin†, sagte Paul. „Kommst du mit?†, fragte Luisa. C. German uses quotation marks in some instances where English would use  italics  (Kursiv). Quotation marks are used in English for the titles of poems, articles, short stories, songs and TV shows. German expands this to the titles of books, novels, films, dramatic works and the names of newspapers or magazines, which would be italicized (or underlined in writing) in English:„Fiesta† („The Sun Also Rises†) ist ein Roman von Ernest Hemingway. — Ich las den Artikel „Die Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland† in der „Berliner Morgenpost†. D. German uses single quotation marks (halbe Anfà ¼hrungszeichen) for a quotation within a quotation in the same way English does:„Das ist eine Zeile aus Goethes ,Erlkà ¶nig’†, sagte er. Also see item 4B below for more about quotations in German. 2. Apostroph  (Apostrophe) A. German generally does not use an apostrophe to show genitive possession (Karls Haus, Marias Buch), but there is an exception to this rule when a name or noun ends in an s-sound (spelled  -s, ss, -ß, -tz, -z, -x, -ce). In such cases, instead of adding an s, the possessive form ends with an apostrophe:  Felix’ Auto, Aristoteles’ Werke, Alice’ Haus.  - Note: There is a disturbing trend among less well-educated German-speakers not only to use apostrophes as in English, but even in situations in which they would not be used in English, such as anglicized plurals (die Callgirl’s). B. Like English, German also uses the apostrophe to indicate missing letters in contractions, slang, dialect, idiomatic expressions or poetic phrases:  der Ku’damm (Kurfà ¼rstendamm), ich hab’ (habe), in wen’gen Minuten (wenigen), wie geht’s? (geht es), Bitte, nehmen S’ (Sie) Platz!  But German does not use an apostrophe in some common contractions with definite articles:  ins (in das), zum (zu dem). 3. Komma  (Comma) A. German often uses commas in the same way as English. However, German may use a comma to link two independent clauses without a conjunction (and, but, or), where English would require either a semicolon or a period:  In dem alten Haus war es ganz still, ich stand angstvoll vor der Tà ¼r.But in German you also have the option of using a semicolon or a period in these situations. B. While a comma is optional in English at the end of a series ending with and/or, it is never used in German:  Hans, Julia und Frank kommen mit. C. Under the reformed spelling rules (Rechtschreibreform), German uses far fewer commas than with the old rules. In many cases where a comma was formerly required, it is now optional. For instance, infinitive phrases that were previously always set off by a comma can now go without one:  Er ging(,) ohne ein Wort zu sagen.  In many other cases where English would use a comma, German does not. D. In numerical expressions German uses a comma where English uses a decimal point:  Ã¢â€š ¬19,95 (19.95 euros)  In large numbers, German uses either a space or a decimal point to divide thousands:  8 540 000 or 8.540.000 8,540,000  (For more on prices, see item 4C below.) 4. Gedankenstrich  (Dash, Long Dash) A. German uses the dash or long dash in much the same way as English to indicate a pause, a delayed continuation or to indicate a contrast:  Plà ¶tzlich — eine unheimliche Stille. B. German uses a dash to indicate a change in the speaker when there are no quotation marks:Karl, komm bitte doch her! - Ja, ich komme sofort. C. German uses a dash or long dash in prices where English uses double zero/naught: â‚ ¬5,— (5.00 euros)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

(Why) Are Women Paid Less - 1014 Words

Approximately 70% of employer’s expenses consist of labor costs. An employer that hires only females can save 20 cent per dollar compared to one that only hires men. Since a female worker saves the company 20 cents per dollar, she is performing equally to a man – to a lower cost. Since marginal benefit versus marginal cost for women is 20 cents higher than the ratio of men, there should be a clear incentive for hiring women. There has been a major discussion over the passed years about the questions around whether women and minorities are being wage-discriminated on the basis of their sex/ethnicity. This paper will elaborate on the part of women. In the 1950’s one third of the US workforce was made out of women compared to today where two†¦show more content†¦So, yes the husband working to support his family should earn a higher salary than the childless man by the explanation above, but getting the woman (read wives) out on the market as well, would inc rease the national GDP. 3. The incentive for women to be self-employed rises from the fact that the opportunity cost of owning your own store is less than working for someone else. Consider this example: A woman can earn either $15/hour if self-employed or $10/hours as an employee. Her opportunity cost when working for herself is $5 less than if she would be employed. So logically, she chooses to be self-employed despite the fact that she knows she is earning less than a male self-employed. This is her second best choice. Why women earn less then self-employed men can derive from the fact that men choose to do business with other men, avoiding females. Men tend to protect their networks. 4. Discriminating based on sex or race is without exception something that is officially seen upon as highly despicable, without stating that it does not happen. One cannot choose whether to be born man or women neither can one choose what race to be born into. However, one can decide upon the level of human capital that one wants to posses. Education, experience, training, work habits etc. are elements that can be acquiredShow MoreRelatedWhy Are women Paid Less than Men? The Gender Gap1371 Words   |  6 PagesWhy Are Women Paid Less Than Men? The Gender Gap Introduction The equality between men and women is an integral part of human rights, it is also a prerequisite for democracy and social justice. Any democratic state seeks to promote gender equality in all spheres of life. Despite the creation of a strong legal framework to ensure the principle of equality of both sexes, the gap between men and women about their capabilities remains significant (Pomeroy, 72). One of the criteria of gender equalityRead MoreWomens Unequal Pay1333 Words   |  5 Pagesbe a woman or man. In response to the statement, why should women be paid less than men? Woman should and deserve the right be paid equally for the same jobs they possess in comparison to men. 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Item A suggests a variety of gender inequalities in today’s society for example the pay difference women receive as it is suggested according to item A that women earn a quarter of a million pounds less than men and this is without women not having any children if she did have children it would be  £140,000 less. The pay gap reduces family income overall whichRead MoreMandatory 12 Week Unpaid Maternity Leave1204 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Separating a mom from her baby, because she does not have sufficient income to stay home, is NOT a family value, it is the opposite. That is why I will fight for 12 weeks of paid family leave.† –Sen. Bernie Sanders. In the national primaries of 2016, Senator Bernie Sanders realized the magnitude of the issue this country is facing regarding not having a paid maternity leave. Currently, the United States has s omething called FMLA, also known as the Family and Medical Leave Act. This act allows 12Read MoreA Case Of Economic Sexism1089 Words   |  5 Pages experienced a case of economic sexism that was eye-opening. A male doctor and female doctor were hired for a pediatric position at the same time, and had equal experience and credentials. It was discovered however, the female doctor was paid $30,000 a year less than the male. This may seem like a small difference, however the slightest bit of money adds up over the years. Both doctors had experienced the same daily activities, the same education and knowledge, and the same amount of experience;

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Drowning Essay Example For Students

Drowning Essay Drowning is the second leading cause of injury deaths of infantsand children younger than 15 years old in the United States. I know many ofyou may have small children and relatives so this may be of some interest toyou. A personal experience happened to me when I was around seven yearsold. I still can remember it like yesterday. This incident almost cost me my life,I was disobedient and it still has a big effect on me now. This little act of minecaused a lot of stress to many people, I was seven years old and at the time Iwas the only child. I stayed with my mother and my step-dad. We lived in thetrailer parks; I was at the babysitters house and she had two teenage sons. One was named Tim and the other Derrick, and I wanted to be like them. Itwas a hot summer day, and Tim and Derrick went swimming at the pool up atthe front of the trailer park. I asked the babysitter could I go she said, NO!This made me very upset because I couldnt go to the pool with her sons. Shetold me the reason why I couldnt go was because she was in charge of meand she wasnt going to be up there watching me. I wasnt really caring aboutwhat she was talking about. She went into the kitchen and was making mesome lunch while I was on the sofa. After lunch was ready I ate all my foodand told her that I was going outside to play with the dog. I went out to playwith Face; she was a full breed pit bull, but she liked me. After about an hourof being bored outside playing by myself, I began to think of a way I couldsneak to the pool. I went inside the house without being seen and put on myswimming trunks. Running as fast as I could I left out the house and sprintedto the pool. I was so h appy I was finally at the pool, so I walked around thepool once and took off my shoes and shirt. Not knowing I was at the deepend of the pool I ran and jumped into the pool. Straight to the bottom I went. All of a sudden in one blink my fun turned into a scare. It was the water andme and I didnt know how to swim. So I was gasping for air all I could seewas the suns rays hitting the water and the big white fluffy clouds. Next thing Iknew was I was drowning and I went to the bottom of the pool, 8 feet down. All I remember next was I was on the ground and everybody was standingaround me, and people were kneeling also. Among the crowd was Tim andDerrick looking and wondering was I all right. I felt really scared and nervous. I was ok and they took me back to the house and told her what hadhappened to me. She was furious because I snuck out and couldve killedmyself by being disobedient. My little act affected everyone, my mother, thebabysitter and her sons. I really learned my lesson the hard way. I still thinkabout this today how my life couldve been ended over my curiosity ofsneaking out and going to the pool. Miscellaneous